

ATHENS, Tenn. – In a move that will be good for all of AUB’s power customers, the wintertime power rate from Athens Utilities Board (AUB) for the coming month of February is falling as the TVA fuel cost drops.

The local power rate will move from the current $0.10120 down to $0.09875 per kilowatt hour.  AUB’s winter base rate remains the same as January’s base rate, but TVA has a lower fuel cost for February, thereby decreasing the effective rate.

The February fuel cost from TVA is going down to $0.02154 compared to January’s $.02399. 

“This is good news as we head into what is typically one of the colder months of the season, requiring a greater heating load by our customers.  AUB’s base rate is staying steady in February, and this falling fuel cost from TVA is welcomed,” said AUB’s Eric Newberry.

Your power rate has two components.  There is the base rate, which changes seasonally, and a fuel-charge adder from TVA that changes monthly.  This winter, the base rate is $0.07721.

“The base rate will stay the same through March.  The thing that changes each month is TVA’s fuel cost, and in February it is dropping, and that’s a great thing to see,” Newberry said.

About 83 cents of every dollar that AUB’s power division collects go to TVA for wholesale power.

This winter temperature profile means that homes and businesses will use more energy to maintain comfort whether the source is electricity, natural gas, or even wood in the stove or fireplace.

“We hope everyone has taken steps to get ready for the chill.  If you haven’t, now would be the time to make your home as air-tight possible.  And I can’t stress enough the advantage of putting on a sweater and sweat pants, even indoors.  It’s just that time of year,” Newberry said.

The internet has a multitude of tips on winterizing your home or apartment.  Even seemingly small fixes that are inexpensive can make a real difference.