

AUB's Board of Directors

Pictured: Larry Eaton (Athens City Council representative); Patti Greek; Shirley Woodcock; Frank Snyder (chairman); Jeff Zabo (vice-chairman)


 About AUB

AUB EmployeesAthens Utilities Board is a not-for-profit organization, owned by the city of Athens since 1939. General Manager Eric Newberry and a five-member Board of Directors guide the organization. The Athens City Council appoints four of the directors, each to a four-year term; the fifth board member, who serves a two-year term by appointment, is from the city council itself. Our Board has monthly Budget and Finance meetings on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 11:30 a.m. and monthly Board meetings on the 4th Thursday of each month at 5:00p.m. Click here for the 2025 meeting schedule.  


AUB’s four field divisions include Power, Natural Gas, Water, and Wastewater. The Accounting Division, the Communications Department, and Human Resources Department support the field divisions.


AUB’s goals as an organization are straightforward and simple:

  1. Send every employee home safely at the end of every day.
  2. Satisfy every customer through personal attention, quality work and open, honest communication.
  3. Contribute daily in a positive way to our community.


 Brief History of AUB

  • Originally the Athens Electric System, a locally owned private company, then was bought out by the Tennessee Electric Power Company.
  • 1939, the city of Athens purchases the power company and forms the board of public utilities, which included the water works that the city had purchased from the Ingleside Water Company in 1934.
  • 1950, bonds sold for natural gas service, with distribution beginning the following year.
  • Gas, water, and electric systems were operated separately until 1953, when the city of Athens formed the Athens Utilities Board.
  • 1986, the city turns over to AUB the operation of the wastewater system.