
Residential Wastewater Rates

To view Commercial/Industrial wastewater rates, click here.


Wastewater plantWastewater use rates are based on the amount of water used each month.  A minimum monthly billing is in place based on the account type, such as residential or commercial.


Wastewater Charges 

The table below shows:

  • The minimum monthly charge.  
  • The wastewater charge for each 1,000 gallons of water used.
  • Example of billing amounts based on various use levels.
Account Type   Minimum Monthly Charge   Cost per 1,000 gals used
Residential $17.00 $6.50
Example Bill Amounts for Residential Use
  • 3400 gallons (avg. residential use): $38.25
  • 4000 gallons: $42.00
  • 5000 gallons: $48.25
  • 6000 gallons: $54.50


Water TestingWastewater Tap Fees

  • 6" and smaller fee: $1,500.00
  • Larger than 6" fee: $4,000.00

The tap fee includes the material and labor required to make the tap and service connection. 


Grinder Pump Installation Fee

The grinder pump installation fee is $5,500 for single residences and includes an E-One pump assembly, related materials and labor, including a service line of up to 500 feet. Additional service line will be at AUB's cost of materials and labor.